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I’m Wojak, ​the


Tired of getting RUGGED by MEV bots?

Upgrade your DEGEN arsenal with the ultimate Telegram ​Sniper Bot!

“$Rugged Wojak is a combination of DEGENCY and UTILITY, ​a powerful strategy to BLAST the Sniper Bots market.”



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The most Rugged ​Sniper BOT:​

Introducing the bot that will change how you play the new listing game.

Say goodbye to clunky interfaces and fumbling with orders while those pesky MEV bots ​snatch all the gains. This bad boy is built for:

  • Lightning Speed: Beat the bots to the punch! This sniper executes trades at speeds that ​will make you question the laws of physics. Get in early, get out with profits.

  • Simple AF, Even for Smooth Brains: We hate overly complicated tools as much as you ​do. This bot works right within Telegram – the app you're already addicted to. Set it up in ​minutes, start sniping like a pro.

  • MEV Evasion Tactics: Our bot employs stealthy strategies to slip under the radar of ​front-running MEV bots. Consider this your digital camouflage in the wild west of new ​token launches.

  • Eyes Everywhere: Stay on top of the hottest new listings across multiple chains. The bot ​will hunt down those juicy opportunities for you, 24/7.


The most Rugged ​Roadmap:

Phase 1: Core Functionality ❤️

  • Lightning-Fast Execution: Trade entries and exits at blazing speeds, optimized for new token launches ​on major DEXs (initially focusing on one chain, e.g., Uniswap)
  • Telegram Integration: Seamless setup and operation directly within the Telegram app for maximum ​user convenience.
  • Basic Customization: Ability to set target token addresses, buy/sell amounts, and slippage tolerance.
  • MEV Dodgeball: Initial strategies to minimize the impact of MEV bots (e.g., adjustable gas settings, ​randomized delays).

Phase 2: Advanced Sniping 🎯

  • Wallet Watch: Track whale wallets and potentially front-run their trades on new listings (ethically ​debatable, but a powerful feature).
  • Multi-Chain Domination: Expand support to other popular chains where new tokens thrive (e.g., BSC, ​Polygon).
  • Anti-Scam Filters: Basic checks to help users avoid blatant rugpulls (liquidity lock checks, token ​contract scans).
  • Stealth Mode Upgrades: Enhanced MEV evasion techniques to stay under the radar.

Phase 3: The Degen's Toolkit 🤞

  • Launchpad Alerts: Integrations with popular launchpads to get instant notifications the moment a new ​token lists.
  • Custom Notifications: Flexible alerts based on price action, volume spikes, or other customizable ​criteria.
  • Portfolio Pump Tracker: Track the performance of sniped tokens, giving a clear overview of your gains ​(and losses).
  • Community Hub: A dedicated Telegram channel or group for sniper bot users to share alpha, ​strategies, and generally fuel the degen hype.

Phase 4: Going Pro 🔜

  • Tiered Subscriptions: Offer premium features for advanced users, such as more sophisticated MEV ​strategies, access to exclusive alerts, etc.
  • Analytic Advantage: Develop basic on-chain analytics to help identify potentially promising projects ​before they blow up.
  • The Bot Army: Options for running multiple sniper bot instances simultaneously for those hardcore ​degens.

Hand Drawn Road

The most Rugged ​Airdrop:​

Get ready, degens, because the $WRUGGED airdrop is about to unleash the purest form of ​memecoin mayhem!

Holding $WRUGGED and sniping like a pro just got even more profitable. Let the airdrop ​games begin!

Here's the deal:

💎 Diamond-Handed Hodlers:

  • The longer you hold $WRUGGED, the bigger your slice of the airdrop pie. Show those paper ​hands who's boss!
  • Snapshots will happen randomly. You might wake up one day to find your wallet overflowing ​with those gloriously rugged tokens.

🤖 Early Sniper Bot Adopters:

  • The ultimate degen tool deserves the ultimate reward. The earlier you started using the bot to ​snipe those juicy new listings, the fatter your airdrop bag.
  • We're talking exclusive NFTs, bonus $WRUGGED, maybe even whitelist spots for future ​insanity... The possibilities are as unpredictable as the crypto market itself.

🪂 Airdrop Tiers: Because everyone loves a good tier list:

  • Peasant Tier: You dabbled in $WRUGGED and maybe tried the bot. A small taste of the ​chaos for you.
  • Degen Tier: Your wallet screams "risk it all". Consider this a decent dose of rugged airdrop ​goodness.
  • Whale Tier: You basically ARE the $WRUGGED liquidity pool and use the bot to snipe in your ​sleep. Expect the airdrop to be life-changing (or at least meme-worthy).
  • Wojak God Tier: Reserved for the original presale chads and sniper bot pioneers who believed ​in the madness from day one. Prepare for an airdrop so absurd, it might just break the ​internet.

Airdrop dates? Who needs 'em! Expect the unexpected, just like those wild price swings we all ​know and love.

Disclaimer: Airdropped $WRUGGED tokens may or may not have any actual value. But damn, ​the memes will be priceless. 😉